Mid Racers
Building on the success of our race winning U-2 time trial bike (so fast, the USCF banned it!) Lightning introduces new Midracer designs optimized for practical road use which utilize the proven, record setting, super light yet stiff Lightning frame designs. Every Midracer version incorporates a customized lightweight Lightning Ergospeed carbon fiber seat with an aerodynamic, cool, breathable, comfortable seat cushion.
The Midracer is our fastest unfaired bike for generally flat roads, note however the more aerodynamic laid back seat position also slightly reduces power output and consequently climbing speeds. If your rides are hilly we recommend our more upright patent-pending Ergomesh seat models, with Zzipper fairing for increased flat land speed. The Ergomesh seat can also be installed on the Midracer frames with an adapter kit, this allows you to choose the best seat and position for that special big ride

Why not a more upright carbon seat?
A more upright seating position places most of your weight on your butt, this is uncomfortable with a narrow, hard carbon seat. The laid back Midracer position spreads out much of your weight on your back, allowing for a comfortable ride in the Midracer position.
If you want to switch to an upright seat our mesh seat can be bolted onto the Midracer frames using longer longer seat stays.
Switching from Midracer carbon seat to the mesh seat and vice versa.
All that is needed to install a mesh seat on a Midracer frame is longer seat stays (Phantom), or longer seat stay inserts (P-38 and R-84)
For the reverse, to install a Midracer seat on a non-Midracer frame, shorter seat stays are needed. The Phantom seat stays can be bolted on, the P-38 and R-84 seat stays need to be cut down, this can be done at the Lightning factory, or an end user mod kit is available. (See instructions here).
Additionally since the Midracer design requires a 26 inch or 650c rear wheel to clear the laid back seat, if a 700C rear wheel is currently installed it needs to be replaced with a 26-inch or 650c wheel along with appropriate brakes. For the P-38 and R-84 a custom brake drop plate is available to accomplish this.
The P-38 and R-84 Midracers come standard with this drop plate, if the mesh seat is installed a 700c rear wheel can be used by removal of this plate.

Short Midracer seat stays Brake Drop Plate, to use 650c wheel on 700c frame
Because the laid back position makes it hard to see behind you, we strongly recommend using a mirror.