Lightning riders

Eric Warp

Thanks to Martin Krieg for bringing these to our attention.

These are the coroplast fairings that Eric Warp has made for his Lightning Cycle Dynamics P-38 over the last 20 years.

2mm Coroplast, homemade bubbles
Coroplast took the road rash when I had a blowout at 29mph … the grungy areas are when I skidded 20 feet on the right side of the bike. NACA duct keeps my hands and arms cool.
Winter mode — ducts are sealed in, spandex keeps the wind out. Got a lot of speed improvement from sealing everything up.
Big ol’ trunk
Forward compartment for tool kit and Camelbak
Vroom! Go Barbie!
Notice the meticulous craftsmanship
Front fairing is from a Rotator Pursuit. I welded a mount and adapted it for the P-38.
2mm Coroplast
Front bubble was a Zzipper commercial fairing
My batmobile phase (reflective material is Scotchlite)
The black thing below the bubble is a styrofoam nose I kludged together
One of the fastest versions ever, completely enclosed with spandex on the bottom. Top speed was close to 40mph
Geekin’ out! Notice video camera mounted on the tailbox and heads up display. No shock mount on the camera, so we got some really crappy video that lives somewhere in a box of tapes I haven’t looked at in almost 20 years.
Two homemade bubbles stitched together with tape
My pasty flesh is an additional reflective safety feature
Eppie’s Great Race a few years ago, before they banned recumbents. I came in 5th out of 700 riders, and Gary Souza (center) and Brad Tedeschi came in 6th and 7th. Sure makes the roadies cranky when you pass ‘em like they’re standing still, especially when they paid more for their wheels than I spent on my entire bike …
That black mark on the fairing would have been flesh ripped from my thigh. Only road rash was when I slipped out of the fairing as it was doing a 360 on its side. Judging from the darkness of my hair, this was probably taken in 2002-ish.
New, faster tailbox — 9 gauge wire framework with plastic window insulation film. Just tape the film to the bike frame and Coroplast and use a heat gun (or hair dryer) to shrink it so it’s taut. Really slick, fast way to get an aerodynamic shape.
Made a Coroplast fender behind the seat and a mount for the Camelbak bag. Interior structure can be any configuration as long as it fits within the confines of the wire and plastic film. Have had no problems with the film being fragile — pretty stout stuff and weighs almost nothing.

For a forum for questions and sharing ideas, visit the P-38 page on Facebook.