Lightning X-2

Many of the ideas and motivation for building Lightning X-2 began with Tim Brummer’s involvement with White Lightning, the record-setting fully faired tandem tricycle. While students at Northrup University, Don Guichard, Chris Dreike, and Brummer did all of the development and test riding for White Lightning.
Read more in The development of ‘The World’s Fastest Bicycle,’ Lightning X-2,
and Lightning Progress.
You can see the X-2 in operation here.

The X-2 appeared in the Williams Anthropropulsion Exhibit, which described the X-2 as follows:
Designed by Tim Brummer, this fairing uses a honeycomb structure consisting of a Nomex core with a Kevlar skin, which gives it an extremely light, strong structure. The openings at the bottom allow the rider to stop at intersections and balance with feet on the ground, and the front nose section pivots forward to allow for easy access. Its record speed is 64.2 mph, ridden by Carl Sundquist.